Catherine Hubert

Visiting Scientist

Catherine studied Pharmacy at Victor Segalen University in Bordeaux as well as Agronomy & Integrative Plant Biology at Angers University (MSc BioVIGPA). 

In 2013, she joined the Barry lab at King’s College London. Her research focused on the characterisation of Streptomyces enzymes catalysing challenging reactions during natural products biosynthesis. This project gave her the opportunity to collaborate with Dr Doru Roiban (GlaxoSmithKline) and investigate the development of biocatalysts using Streptomyces biosynthetic enzymes. She was subsequently awarded a Chemistry DPhil in 2018.

Since graduating, she has joined the Carvalho lab at the Francis Crick Institute where she is focusing on the study of Mycobacterial metabolism and antibiotic research.

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Crick Pre-Crick