Imran Noorani

Postdoctoral Clinical Fellow

I graduated in Medicine from the University of Cambridge in 2012, and completed my Clinical PhD at the Sanger Institute studying the role of EGFR mutations in brain tumours using novel mouse models and forward genetic screens. I am an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Neurosurgery at University College London and a postdoctoral clinical fellow in the Crick Institute, and my main interests are in the role of extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) oncogene amplifications on the tumour microenvironment, particularly in glioblastoma. We are currently exploring the contribution of ecDNA in driving the evolution of glioblastoma using a combination of experimental models and human tumour tissue, as part of the eDyNAmiC Consortium (a CRUK Cancer Grand Challenge) and as investigators for the CRUK Therapeutic Catalyst Award.

Qualifications and history

University of Cambridge, UK
MB BChir
University of Southampton
Academic Foundation Programme, Neurosurgery
Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK
Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellowship
University of Cambridge, UK
NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in Neurosurgery
University College London (UCL)
NIHR Academic Clinical Lectureship in Neurosurgery
Francis Crick Institute
CRUK Therapeutic Catalyst Award