Jakson received his MPhil at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and later pursued his PhD at the Institut Pasteur, Paris. During his study at Institut Pasteur, he was a member of the Unité Dynamique des Interactions Hôte-Pathogène, under the supervision of Jost Enninga. His work focused on the development of multiplex fluorescent systems to study the different intracellular behaviours of Salmonella. In Fall 2020, Jakson defended his thesis and moved across the English Channel to join the Host-Pathogen Interactions in Tuberculosis Laboratory at The Francis Crick Institute, London. Here, Jakson works on different interdisciplinary systems to understand the host-pathogen interactions in Tuberculosis, by applying his skillset ranging from molecular genetics to high-content imaging.

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Last updated : 25 April 2024 02:04