I am a developmental biologist with a background in genetics and microbiology. I obtained my BSc from the University of Tuebingen, studying protein-protein interactions of global nitrogen metabolism regulators in cyanobacteria. My first Master’s thesis was conducted in the laboratory of C. Nuesslein-Volhard at the MPI for Developmental Biology where I worked on improving genome editing strategies in zebrafish. For my second Master’s thesis, I joined the laboratory of D. Weigel in the same institute where I studied broad-spectrum resistance of plants against a downy mildew causing parasite in Arabidopsis thaliana.


In my PhD at The Francis Crick Institute, I am working on understanding how a developing heart forms mature trabecular architecture to support its function and how nuclear homeostasis is maintained during heart development.

Qualifications and history

University of Tübingen, Germany
Bachelor of Science in Biology
University of Tübingen/ MPI for Developmental Biology, Germany
Master of Science in Cell Biology and Immunology
University of Tübingen/ MPI for Developmental Biology, Germany
Master of Science in Microbiology