End-binding proteins and Ase1/PRC1 define local functionality of structurally distinct parts of the microtubule cytoskeleton


The microtubule cytoskeleton is crucial for the intracellular organization of eukaryotic cells. It is a dynamic scaffold that has to perform a variety of very different functions. This multitasking is achieved through the activity of numerous microtubule-associated proteins. Two prominent classes of proteins are central to the selective recognition of distinct transiently existing structural features of the microtubule cytoskeleton. They define local functionality through tightly regulated protein recruitment. Here we summarize the recent developments in elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying the action of microtubule end-binding proteins (EBs) and antiparallel microtubule crosslinkers of the Ase1/PRC1 family that represent the core of these two recruitment modules. Despite their fundamentally different activities, these conserved families share several common features.

Journal details

Volume 23
Issue number 2
Pages 54-63
Publication date


Type of publication

Crick labs/facilities