Eps15R is required for bone morphogenetic protein signalling and differentially compartmentalizes with Smad proteins

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Transforming growth factor beta superfamily members signal through Smad transcription factors. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) act via Smads 1, 5 and 8 and TGF-betas signal through Smads 2 and 3. The endocytic adaptor protein Eps15R, or 'epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor pathway substrate 15-related protein' is a component of EGF signal transduction, mediating internalization of the EGF receptor. We show that it interacts with Smad proteins, is required for BMP signalling in animal caps and stimulates Smad1 transcriptional activity. This function resides in the Asp-Pro-Phe motif-enriched 'DPF domain' of Eps15R, which activates transcription and antagonizes Smad2 signalling. In living cells, Eps15R segregates into spatially distinct regions with different Smads, indicating an unrecognized level of Smad compartmentalization.

Journal details

Journal Open Biology
Volume 2
Issue number 4
Pages 120060
Publication date


Crick labs/facilities

Crick authors

Crick First author
Crick Corresponding author