Spatiotemporal regulation of Aurora B recruitment ensures release of cohesion during C. elegans oocyte meiosis


The formation of haploid gametes from diploid germ cells requires the regulated two-step release of sister chromatid cohesion (SCC) during the meiotic divisions. Here, we show that phosphorylation of cohesin subunit REC-8 by Aurora B promotes SCC release at anaphase I onset in C. elegans oocytes. Aurora B loading to chromatin displaying Haspin-mediated H3 T3 phosphorylation induces spatially restricted REC-8 phosphorylation, preventing full SCC release during anaphase I. H3 T3 phosphorylation is locally antagonized by protein phosphatase 1, which is recruited to chromosomes by HTP-1/2 and LAB-1. Mutating the N terminus of HTP-1 causes ectopic H3 T3 phosphorylation, triggering precocious SCC release without impairing earlier HTP-1 roles in homolog pairing and recombination. CDK-1 exerts temporal regulation of Aurora B recruitment, coupling REC-8 phosphorylation to oocyte maturation. Our findings elucidate a complex regulatory network that uses chromosome axis components, H3 T3 phosphorylation, and cell cycle regulators to ensure accurate chromosome segregation during oogenesis.

Journal details

Volume 9
Issue number 1
Pages 834
Available online
Publication date


Crick labs/facilities