What is aortic overriding?


Disagreement currently exists regarding the definition of aortic dextroposition. It is suggested that the term be used interchangeably with aortic overriding, along with suggestions that the aortic valve overrides in the normal heart. The dextroposed aorta, however, does not always override the crest of the muscular ventricular septum. It is incorrect to argue that the normal aortic valve overrides. It is the cavity of the right aortic valvar sinus, rather than the valvar orifice, that sits above the muscular septum when the septum itself is intact. Therefore, to circumvent these difficulties, those using the term "dextroposition" find it necessary to distinguish "true" as opposed to "false" categories. The problems arise because "dextroposition" is remarkably ill-suited as an alternative term for aortic valvar overriding.

Journal details

Volume 25
Issue number 4
Pages 612-625
Publication date


Type of publication

Crick labs/facilities