Host and Pathogen Interest Group

Infections Interest Group


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It is estimated that around a quarter of all deaths in the world result from infectious diseases.

Among these, the top three killer agents are HIV-1,Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and the malaria parasite. Viruses causing respiratory infections also feature prominently as well as other parasites like Toxoplasma that cause serious infections of the unborn child or immunocompromised patients.

Such infectious agents are the main topics for study within laboratories comprising the Host and Pathogen Interest Group. Work from our laboratories is focussed on understanding the growth, metabolism, pathogenicity, antimicrobial action and resistance, and evolution of these agents as well as host responses to infection.

Our studies have direct relevance regarding efforts to limit the spread of the disease agents and to reduce their effects with novel drugs as well as facilitating their diagnosis and improving judgements regarding prognosis. Members of the Host and Pathogen Group make very real contributions to international efforts to improve global health, fully consistent with the Crick's mission.

We collaborate on a worldwide basis and publish a significant number of high profile studies, we provide information vital for setting public policy, we help inform public perceptions of global health problems and we continue to assist in the development of new methods for preventing the spread of infectious agents of disease.  We also train significant numbers of visitors from overseas, helping to place skilled workers in essential positions within epidemic countries.